Ricoh and the B4IG coalition take action for an inclusive recovery

Ricoh and the B4IG coalition take action for an inclusive recovery

TOKYO, 13 November 2020 – Ricoh today announced that it has endorsed Business for Inclusive Growth’s (B4IG) roadmap calling for businesses and governments to coordinate their efforts to build an inclusive recovery. Launched at the G7 Summit in France in August 2019, B4IG is a global CEO-led coalition of 40 companies fighting against inequalities of income and opportunities. Powered by the OECD as its Strategic Partner, B4IG coordinates with governments to advance inclusive growth at both local and global levels.

The annual board meeting was held on November 12 and attended by Jake Yamashita, President and CEO of Ricoh. The need for governments and businesses to tackle inequality and take action was at the heart of discussions, given the devastating impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
With new ways of working that require more digital skills and automation, members of the coalition also discussed the importance of providing upskilling and training opportunities while supporting access to the necessary infrastructures to ensure that employees and citizens are not left behind. The participants adopted a roadmap towards inclusive recovery, which is to be implemented by B4IG participating companies.
The Ricoh Group is committed to contributing to the SDGs, strengthening the ESGs, and regards Diversity and Inclusion as a priority area that should be addressed by all companies. As part of B4IG's activities, Ricoh participated in a working group focused on bridging the digital divide to help communities that do not have adequate access to digital infrastructure, tools or skills. Together with the B4IG community, Ricoh will accelerate its efforts to resolve these social issues and support new ways of working by providing digital services, upskilling and digital training opportunities for vulnerable groups.

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| À propos de Ricoh |

Ricoh soutient les lieux de travail numériques en utilisant des technologies et des services novateurs qui permettent aux utilisateurs de travailler plus intelligemment, où qu’ils soient.

Grâce aux connaissances et aux capacités organisationnelles acquises et cultivées au cours de ses 85 années d’existence, Ricoh est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de services numériques, de gestion de l’information et de solutions d’impression et d’imagerie conçus pour soutenir la transformation numérique et optimiser la performance des entreprises.

Le Groupe Ricoh, qui a son siège à Tokyo, a des activités importantes dans le monde entier et ses produits et services touchent désormais des clients dans environ 200 pays et régions. Pour l’exercice clos en mars 2022, le Groupe Ricoh a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires mondial de 1 758 milliards de yens (environ 14,5 milliards USD).

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