Ricoh continues to be recognised in the FTSE4Good and FTSE Blossom Japan indexes.

Ricoh continues to be recognised in the FTSE4Good and FTSE Blossom Japan indexes

TOKYO, July 26, 2018 – Ricoh Company, Ltd. has been selected for continuous inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index Series and in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index, which are share price indexes for ESG investments.
Ricoh has been included in the FTSE4Good Index for 15 consecutive years (since 2004), and in the newly-created FTSE Blossom Japan Index since last year.
FTSE Russell – a wholly owned subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) Group – has been selecting companies for inclusion in their FTSE4Good Index since 2001 and has focused on companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices.
The FTSE Blossom Japan Index was created in 2017, with a focus on Japanese companies and has since been adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) as its share price index for ESG investments (those that consider not just a company’s financial information, but also their approach to Environmental, Social and Governance practices). ESG investments are based on the understanding that placing an emphasis on good ESG practices can help eliminate risk. Such information cannot be gleaned from regular financial reports, and so ESG investments can lead to more sustainable growth and greater mid-to-long term revenue potential for those companies.

| Over Ricoh |

Ricoh creëert digitale werkomgevingen door het gebruik van innovatieve technologieën en diensten die mensen in staat stellen slimmer te werken, vanwaar ze zich ook bevinden.

In de loop van zijn 85-jarige geschiedenis bouwde Ricoh een gecultiveerde kennis en organisatorische capaciteiten uit. Dat maakt van het bedrijf een toonaangevende leverancier van digitale diensten, informatiebeheer en print- en beeldvormingsoplossingen die zijn ontwikkeld om digitale transformatie te ondersteunen en bedrijfsprestaties te optimaliseren. 

Het hoofdkantoor is gevestigd in Tokio, maar de Ricoh Group heeft belangrijke vestigingen over de hele wereld en haar producten en diensten bereiken vandaag klanten in ongeveer 200 landen en regio's. In het boekjaar dat eindigde in maart 2022 behaalde de Ricoh Group een wereldwijde omzet van 1.758 miljard yen (ongeveer 14,5 miljard USD).

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